High-frequency oscillation and tracheal gas insufflation in patients with severe acute respiratory distress syndrome and traumatic brain injury: an interventional physiological study
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In acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), combined high-frequency oscillation (HFO) and tracheal gas insufflation (TGI) improves gas exchange compared with conventional mechanical ventilation (CMV). We evaluated the effect of HFO-TGI on PaO2/fractional inspired O2 (FiO2) and PaCO2, systemic hemodynamics, intracranial pressure (ICP), and cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) and concurrent severe ARDS.
Τίτλος Δράσης: Ηράκλειτος ΙΙ Τίτλος Πράξης: Μηχανικός Αερισμός ασθενών με Σύνδρομο Οξείας Αναπνευστικής Δυσχέρειας με την τεχνική του Ταλαντωτή Υψηλής Συχνότητας σε συνδυασμό με Ενδοτραχειακή Εμφύσηση Αερίων