The ultimate concern over pesticides in the environment is their toxic impact on nontarget organisms, including humans. For over the last two decades, the toxicological research has focused on pesticide-induced oxidative stress in terms of monitoring alterations in various biochemical and molecular compositions. A relative new group of agricultural fungicides, strobilurins, represent a major class of plant protection products and world's largest selling fungicides. They act as complex III Qo site inhibitors and thus disrupting electron transport in the respiratory chain. This electron leakage generates superoxide and potentially results in increased oxidative stress. The present study was aimed at investigating the biochemical mechanisms involved in the toxic action of kresoxim-methyl, a widely used agricultural fungicide of the stobilurins group on murine neuroblastoma cells (N2a).
Πράξη: ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΤΟΣ II Πακέτο εργασίας 1.6: Μελέτη της επίδρασης ουσιών με εντομοκτόνο ή μυκητοκτόνο δράση σε κυτταρικούς πληθυσμούς με εξειδικευμένα χαρακτηριστικά μέσω μεθόδων γενετικής ή μεμβρανικής τροποποίησης για χρήση σε βιοαισθητήρες